Policies and Procedure

ToriTellemMusic Policies and Procedure:

At ToriTellemMusic, we are committed to providing exceptional services to our clients, customers, business partners, and members. In order to maintain the highest standards of professionalism and ensure smooth operations, we have established the following policies and procedures:

1. Payment Policy:
- All payments must be made in full before any promotion or services will begin/commence.
- Incremental payments may be allowed upon the permission of our owner, Dr. Victoria "Tori Tellem" Hoffman. However, this allowance is subject to change at any time at her discretion.
- No refunds will be issued unless deemed necessary by ToriTellemMusic.

2. Order Placement:
- Orders must be placed either through our official website, toritellem.com, or via the direct Cash App or PayPal provided to you through email.
- We will no longer accept orders through messenger or any other messaging apps due to concerns regarding unprofessionalism and to streamline our communication channels.

3. Client Satisfaction:
- While we strive to satisfy all of our clients, customers, business partners, and members, we understand that it may not always be possible to meet everyone's expectations.
- We are dedicated to addressing any concerns or issues promptly and aim to exceed expectations wherever possible.

By adhering to these policies and procedures, we aim to maintain transparency, professionalism, and the highest quality of service at Toritellem Music. Should you have any questions or require further clarification regarding our policies, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Thank you for your cooperation and continued support.